Aloha Friday Art, Episode 3 is about coming up with an IDEA or IDEAS in visual art and writing–especially poetry since Poem in Your Pocket Day is coming up (see below). The Aloha Friday Art series is created and hosted by author/illustrator, Edna Cabcabin Moran (AKA Ms. Edna, teaching artist in the schools). Aloha Friday Art runs every other Friday–the next episode, no. 4 is out on May 8.
Inside Episode 3:
• Ms. E’s Workshop: Make A Quick & Easy Book
A unique little book to keep your doodles, sketches & ideas. All you need are paper & scissors.
• Thumbing your Print to Doodles
• Question: Why Put a Poem in Your Pocket?

Ms. E’s Workshop: Make a Book (Or a place for your doodles)
Here’s a fun book for your doodles, sketches, bright IDEAS, and more. Depending on the type of paper you use, you can write or draw in it with pencils, pens and even markers. But be careful with marker if on light-weight paper (such as paper for copiers and inkjet printers) as the markers might bleed through and ruin whatever you’ve written or draw on the other side. Might it be a good idea to do a bleed-through test? Probably. The sky’s the limit, however, on the type of art and writing you can put in your sketch or note book. Check out a few ideas ideas below.

Thumbing Your Print to Doodles
COMING SOON. (The behind-the-scenes fairies are hard at work getting the picture and writing ready for viewing by next week.)
Answer (Sort of): Why NOT Put A Poem In Your Pocket?
COMING SOON. In celebration of Poem-In-Your-Pocket Day, for Poetry Friday on May 1.
A word from the creator of ALOHA ART FRIDAY, Edna Cabcabin Moran (AKA Ms. Edna): It is my hope that people enjoy this free series including the art projects, references and materials. The majority of content in this series is either created and/or sourced from public domain or stock art by me except for feature writings, artwork or other media by other creators who have given their express permission for use in ALOHA FRIDAY ART. If you have any questions pertaining to any content in this series, please send me an email query at info (at) kidlitedna (dot) com. Thank you!
ALOHA FRIDAY ART ©2020 Edna Cabcabin Moran. All Rights Reserved.