The day I was quoted

November 29 is a special day for me because this is the day a quote from my book, THE SLEEPING GIANT: A Tale From Kaua’i appears on a page in TODAY I WILL: A Year of Quotes, Notes and Promises to Myself, by award-winning authors Eileen & Jerry Spinelli,...

Post-Halloween Poems

It’s Poetry Friday after Halloween! If you are searching for some spooky good poems for any time of year then check out  An Eyeball in My Garden (and Other Spine-tingling Poems)  This anthology was compiled and co-edited by Laura D. Wynkoop and Jennifer Cole...

Look at what’s popping!

  Pop-up pages are magical. I’ve always loved their intricate combination of art and science–the way in which the paper sculpture moves when you open a page, the burst of color in 3-D and, of course, the element of surprise. Enjoy the ins, outs, cuts and arcs of...
Tuesday whimsy

Tuesday whimsy

I have passed this wrapped telephone pole many times and only today did I notice the small door at the bottom! Here’s a close-up view… Whoever made this door has taken a very different approach from the door at the cement block. The color-block...
Poetry Friday Fave

Poetry Friday Fave

Happy Aloha Friday! And Happy Poetry Friday! I’m going to keep this post short and sweet. All around the internet people are sharing poetry–poems they’ve written or poems written by others (with proper credits, of course). A good explanation for...