Now that it’s day four of my daily-post-for-a-week challenge… Did you know that comics can be found anywhere besides comic books and newspapers? I learned this thanks to the CA College of the Arts online class I’m taking through Kadenze. It’s called Comics: Art in Relationships, taught by Matt Silady, Chair of the MFA Comics Art Program at CCA. In one of the opening assignments, we’re asked to look for comics “in the wild,” seek them in unexpected places. I didn’t have to go very far since I noticed I had some comics sitting in my iPhone. I had some photos of gold framed “paintings” that I snapped at a Lucha Libre restaurant restroom in San Diego this summer. (Besides the fun art work, Lucha Libre has good food, too–check it out.) The above image is one of my favorites from the restroom “collection.” This particular piece fits one of the attributes of a comic which is that it serves as “visual art in cultural context.” In other words, we viewers bring meaning to the narrative of an image and the type of story we come up with pertains to our own cultural understanding and perspective. What kind of story do you see in the image above?
artcetera blog

Artcetera is an occasional blog sharing news & updates by author / illustrator, Edna Cabcabin Moran (AKA Ms. Edna), the creator & host of Aloha Friday Art.

The Aloha Friday Art Series (click here)
Aloha Friday Art: MATH IN ART
Aloha Friday Art, episode 4 celebrates MATH in picture books,... Read more →
Aloha Friday Art: RAINBOWS
Aloha Friday Art, episode 2 celebrates RAINBOWS in poetry, story... Read more →
Coming Soon: Aloha Friday Art!
Hello Friends! You are invited to the launch of new... Read more →