Aloha Friday Art, episode 5 is all about Chickens as Inspiration and subject matter in Art, Stories & Life. The Aloha Friday Art series is created & hosted by author/illustrator, Edna Cabcabin Moran (AKA Ms. Edna, teaching artist in the schools). A new episode is released every other week. Episode no. 6 comes out on Friday, June 5. Photo above (left to right): Jacquelyn “Jackie” Frost, Jason Ogao & Ms. Edna
Inside Episode 5:
• Hula Dancer, Jason Ogao, Tells the Tale of Super Chicken Lepe’Ula’Ula
• Creativity & Urban Chicken Keeping with Jacquelyn Frost
• How to Draw Moa, the Rooster: A Mini Art Lesson w/ Ms. Edna

Hula Dancer, Jason Ogao, Tells the Tale of Super Chicken Lepe’Ula’Ula
IN HONOR OF Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, I’m featuring a story that is traditionally told through mele (song) and the Hawaiian island dance known as the hula. Mahalo (thanks) to my hula brother, Jason Ogao, for participating in this episode of Aloha Friday Art: Chicken Stories. Both Jason and I are members of the San Francisco-based Halau (School of) Hula & Dance Company, Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu, under the direction of Kumu Patrick Makuakane. Jason graciously agreed to share his mana’o (thoughts) about this story about a super chicken–specifically, a rooster–named Lepe’Ula’Ula. ~ECM
ABOUT THIS VIDEO: Learn what the dance means and what it’s like to be a hula dancer. Be sure to stick around after the chat and watch Jason dance the hula. He will be dancing the number solo even though it is usually performed by a group of male dancers, in full costume.
Photo below: Jason, a dancer with the San Francisco Hula group, Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu, shown in a performance.

Hula is the language of the heart, therefore, the heartbeat of the Hawaiian people.
~King David Kalākaua
Creativity & Urban Chicken Keeping with Jacquelyn “Jackie” Frost

Meet Jacquelyn AKA Jackie, blogger, crafter, busy mom, all-around creative person and urban chicken keeper. I met Jackie through a local writer group and enjoyed hearing her reading of work-in-progress stories and blog entries at recent zoom events (a switch from local coffee shops thanks to Covid-19 shelter-in-place orders). When I heard that she kept chickens I was very intrigued and wanted to know more. Lucky for me, and us, Jackie welcomes us into her not-so-secret garden of seasonal vegetables, backyard coop and the most determined, tomato-loving chickens east of San Francisco. ~ECM
ABOUT THE VIDEO: According to blogger, Jacquelyn Frost, keeping chickens is an educational and creative pursuit that yields a whole lot more than Sunday brunch eggs.
(Length of video: 11 mins. 26 secs.)
NOT TO BE BOXED IN by writing and chicken keeping, Jacquelyn blocks off time to create boxes of the handmade kind. Lately, she’s been building boxes made with decorative papers and craft materials, employing traditional Japanese box-making techniques. Read about Jacquelyn’s process in her blog, That Creative Place.
(Photos: Left, a variety of hand and machine made papers, Right, a handcrafted box made by Jacquelyn.)

How to Draw Moa the Rooster – A Mini Art Lesson with Ms. Edna
ABOUT THIS VIDEO: Ms. Edna demonstrates some techniques on how to draw a rooster like Moa.

This is a detail from an illustration depicting Honu, the rooster, from the picture book, HONU AND MOA.
A word from the creator of ALOHA ART FRIDAY, Edna Cabcabin Moran (AKA Ms. Edna): It is my hope that people enjoy this free series including the art projects, references and materials. The majority of content in this series is either created and/or sourced from public domain or stock art by me except for feature writings, artwork or other media by other creators who have given their express permission for use in ALOHA FRIDAY ART. If you have any questions pertaining to any content in this series, please send me an email query at info (at) kidlitedna (dot) com. Thank you!
ALOHA FRIDAY ART ©2020 Edna Cabcabin Moran. All Rights Reserved.