| literary arts, picture book, ponderings, visual arts
My post on social media this week: A love of reading & books = a love of life!#ReadAtHome #TakeShelterInStory #StayHomeSaveLives #thankyoufirstresponders”That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.” – Jhumpa Lahiri Just...
| activities, Aloha Friday Art, arts education, creativity, studio, visual arts
Happy Aloha Friday, Folks! I’m happy to share my first videos for the Aloha Friday Art series which runs every other Friday from now until Summer. I hope you find the videos helpful and projects interesting. If there are any questions about the techniques or...
| Aloha Friday Art, creativity, literary arts, performing arts, visual arts
Hello Friends! You are invited to the launch of new Aloha Friday Art Page. It will run every other Friday until summer, starting March 27, 2020 here at AlohaFridayArt.com. Why am I calling it “Aloha Friday”? Because the name goes back to the...
| business, environment, literary arts, picture book, visual arts
My new picture book, HONU AD MOA, launched in October and I’m so excited that it’s out. It’s a story I’d written and rewritten since 2012. I’ll bet I know what you’re thinking: “It took you 6 years to write a picture...