| activities, Aloha Friday Art, creativity, literary arts, multicultural, performing arts, picture book, visual arts
Aloha Friday Art, episode 8 is all about PLAY. I’m doing things a little differently in July–featuring this PLAY theme a bit longer. It is the “biggest” episode of Summer :). Check back often to see interviews of each special guest. ~ECM Above...
| Aloha Friday Art, animals, creativity, multicultural, performing arts, picture book, visual arts
Aloha Friday Art, episode 5 is all about Chickens as Inspiration and subject matter in Art, Stories & Life. The Aloha Friday Art series is created & hosted by author/illustrator, Edna Cabcabin Moran (AKA Ms. Edna, teaching artist in the schools). A...
| Aloha Friday Art, creativity, literary arts, performing arts, visual arts
Hello Friends! You are invited to the launch of new Aloha Friday Art Page. It will run every other Friday until summer, starting March 27, 2020 here at AlohaFridayArt.com. Why am I calling it “Aloha Friday”? Because the name goes back to the...